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 £6.50 (250ML)

 THE BOOSTER   Invigorate dull, tired skin   THE BOOSTER
 with this stimulating

 SKIN-TIGHTENING   body wash. Packed with   SKIN TONING AND
 Caffeine extract, a
 BODY MOISTURISER     natural skin stimulator and   FIRMING

 grapeseed oil, the body
 £8.50 (250ML)  wash works to effectively   £9.50 (100ML)

 cleanse whilst stimulating
 This skin-tightening body
 moisturiser helps to   microcirculation and   This innovative body serum
 improve the appearance   helping to improve skins   contains CellactiveShape®,
 of dull, tired or challenged   texture. The gentle    a powerful skin-
 skin. Skin tightening   formula is kind enough   conditioning agent that

 ingredients work alongside   to be used daily, simply   helps to visibly improve
 caffeine, recognised to   lather a small amount over   the appearance of cellulite,
 improve microcirculation,   damp skin and massage in   combined with grapeseed
 to help firm and tone skin   circular motions.  oil and caffeine to help
 and leave it deliciously soft              stimulate microcirculation,
 and smooth. Antioxidant                    tighten and smooth.
 rich grapeseed oil and
 lightweight sweet almond
 oil work in synergy with the

 skin, to help enhance the
 skin’s barrier function and
 retain moisture.
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