Page 11 - PDRI
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Paperwork  I aM Int Ce Jou Online – 1st  2020

                    Coordinator Promotion 10   TIM SMK NKRI BINJAI
                                                                                            SMK NKRI BINJAI
                                                                                            DPD PDRI Medan
                   Promotion 1                Tim Univeristas Poteni Utama
                                                                                           DPD PDRI Pematang
                   Promotion 2                TIM Politeknik Bisnia Indonesia P Siantar         Siantar
                                                                                          UMSU/ Lecturers of
                   Promotion 3                Muhammad Taufik Lesmana, S.Pd.S.P.,M.M. dan  Community RI
                                              TIM DPW PDRI SUMUT
                                                                                           STMIK KAPUTAMA
                   Promotion 4                Yani Maulita  dan TIM DPD PDRI BINJAI             BINJAI

                   Promotion 5                TIM DPD PDRI MEDAN – UTND MEDAN                UTND MEDAN

                                                                                         Universitas Quality
                   Promotion 6                Mei Brillian Harefa,S.T.,M.T  TIM DPD PDRI KARO    Berastagi/ Lecturers of
                                                                                         Community RI

                   Promotion 7                Makmur Hasibuan, S.Kom,M.Kom. dan TIM DPD    DPD PDRI ASAHAN
                                              PDRI ASAHAN
                                                                                          PPM / ATKP Medan/
                   Promotion 8                TIM Politeknik Penerbangan Medan               PDRI MEDAN

                                                                                           DPD FPLKP SU / LKP
                   Promotion 9                Theodore Lusia Seprina                        ALBERTO MEDAN

                                                                                            DPD HILLSI / DPD
                   Promotion 10                TIM DPD HILLSI SU / DPD FPLKP SU
                                                                                            FPLKP SU
                                              TIM  DPD APSI SU
                   Promotion 11                                                             DPD APSI SU
                                              Hendriyanto dan TIM DPP PDRI
                   Promotion 12                                                             DPP PDRI

                   Coordinator Publication &   Fitri Yani, S.H.M.H. dan TIM Universitas Potensi       UPU/ Lecturers of
                   Printing  1                Utama Medan                                    Community RI

                                                                                           STMIK KAPUTAMA
                   Coordinator Publication &   Novri Yenni dan TIM DPD PDRI BINJAI LANGKAT   BINJAI / Lecturers of
                   Printing  2                                                               Community RI

                                                                                           POLIMEDIA KREATIF
                   Coordinator Publication &   Sudirman, S.Kom.,M.Kom.                    MEDAN/ Lecturers of
                   Printing  3                                                               Community RI
                                                                                         Universitas Quality
                   Coordinator Publication &   Bunga Fisikanta, S.T.,M.T.                Berastagi/ Lecturers of
                   Printing  4                                                           Community RI

                   Coordinator Publication &
                                              TIM SMK NKRI BINJAI
                   Printing  5                                                              SMK NKRI BINJAI
                   Publication &              TIM DPW PDRI SUMUT – UNUSU MEDAN              UNUSU MEDAN
                   Printing 1

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