Page 10 - PDRI
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Paperwork  I aM Int Ce Jou Online – 1st  2020

                   Research / Documentation   TIM SMK NKRI BINJAI                           SMK NKRI BINJAI
                   CyberSpaceSchedule          M Abrar Kasmin Hutagalung, M. M.             UPU/ Lecturers of
                   Preparation -1                                                            Community RI
                   Coordinator                                                                FMIPA USU
                                                  M. Ali Akbar, S.Si. M.Si.
                   CyberSpaceSchedule -2
                   Preparation 1
                   Coordinator                                                             STMIK KAPUTAMA/
                   CyberSpaceSchedule          Realita Buaton, S.Kom,.M.Kom.                  Lecturers of
                   Preparation - 3                                                           Community RI
                                                                                           POLIMEDIA KREATIF
                                               Khairil Anwar, S.E., S.Kom,M.Kom            MEDAN Lecturers of
                   Preparation 1
                                                                                             Community RI
                                                                                           Universitas Quality
                                               Sufrial Hendri, S.T.,M.T.                 Berastagi/ Lecturers of
                   Preparation 2                                                             Community RI

                                                                                          PPM / ATKP Medan/
                   CyberSpaceSchedule         TIM Politeknik Penerbangan Medan               PDRI MEDAN
                   Preparation 3

                                              TIM SMK NKRI BINJAI
                   Preparation 4                                                            SMK NKRI BINJAI
                                                                                            UPU/ Lecturers of
                   Coordinator Promotions 1      Eka Purnama Sari, S.E.M.M.                  Community RI

                                                                                             UNPAB / IMC /
                                              Yoffi Andinata, S.Pd.M.Si.                      Lecturers of
                   Coordinator Promotion 2
                                                                                             Community RI
                                                                                            STBA / STIE ITMI
                   Coordinator Promotion 3    Ridwan Syahputra, S.Pd.M.Pd.                Medan/ Lecturers of
                                                                                             Community RI
                                                                                           POLIMEDIA KREATIF
                   Coordinator Promotion 4    F Telaumabanua, S.E.,M.M.                   MEDAN/ Lecturers of
                                                                                             Community RI
                                                                                           STMIK KAPUTAMA
                   Coordinator Promotion 5    Lina Ariana Nur dan TIM DPD PDRI BINJAI      BINJAI/ Lecturers of
                                              LANGKAT                                        Community RI

                                                                                          PPM / ATKP Medan/
                   Coordinator Promotion 6    TIM Politeknik Penerbangan Medan               PDRI MEDAN

                                                                                          LP3I BINJAI/ DPD PDRI
                   Coordinator Promotion 7    Maulidina dan TIM DPD PDRI BINJAI LANGKAT         BINJAI

                    Coordinator Promotion 8     TIM DPD HILLSI SU / DPD FPLKP SU            DPD HILLSI / DPD
                                                                                            FPLKP SU

                    Coordinator Promotion 9                                                 DPD APSI SU
                                              TIM  DPD APSI SU
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