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Paperwork  I aM Int Ce Jou Online – 1st  2020

                  For  presentation  authors/  researchers  are  requested  to  prepare  their  video  and  slide
                  presentation  in  I  aM  Online  Ce  Jou  Int  –  1st  2020  format/  template.    For  author’s
                  convenience, we strongly follow the following steps.
                  1.  The presentation will be schedule in cyber space room on August,  10 th – 11th,  2020.
                  2.  Presenter will get their review or live comment using Team Link and whatsapps as soon as
                      presentation end.
                  3.  All the accepted papers will be published in an e~proceeding.

                  9)   I aM on Ce Jou Int – 1t 2020 BOARD

                        Position                 Committee                                   Institutions

                   PATRON INDONESIA
                                               Ministary Education of Indoensian

                                                                                               Member of 9
                   PATRON INDONESIAN           Prof Dr Ir H Djohar Arifin Husin, M.Sc.
                                                                                               Parlimentary in

                                                                                          Hanyang University of
                   PATRON KOREA                Prof Kim Eon Yong
                                                                                             South Korean

                                               Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. ABD. RAHIM ABU TALIB,   Univerisity Putra of
                   PATRON MALAYSIA
                                               P.Eng, P.Tech,                                  Malasyia

                   PATRON SUMATERA UTARA                                                    L2DIKTI SUMUT /
                                               Prof. Dian Armanto, M.Pd.M.A.,M.Sc.Ph.D         UNIMED

                                                                                            Ketua DPP PDRI
                   PATRON JAKARTA                                                        (Chairman of Lecturers
                                              Dr Ahmad Zakiyyuddin, M.A.                    of Community in
                                                                                           Indonesian Republic

                   PATRON SUMUT                    Prof.Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng.,M.Sc.        UMA Medan
                                                                                             POLMED / PDRI
                   PATRON SUMUT                Dr. Rahmat Widia Sembiring, M.I.Comp.         SUMUT

                   PATRON JAKARTA                                                             ISTN / PDRI
                                               Dr. Ing . Agus Sofwan, M.Eng.

                   PATRON SUMUT                                                           AMIK IntelCom Global
                                               Prof. Dr. Supriyanto, M.Sc.
                                                                                              Indo / PDRI
                   PATRON SUMUT                                                            PPM / ATKP Medan
                                               Direktur Politeknik Penerbangan Medan
                                               Lt.Kol. Bersekutu(PA)Ts. Dr.
                   PATRON Malaysian                                                            JPPKK
                   PATRON Malaysian            Tn. Roslee bin Yahya                              PPD

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