Page 138 - 작업중 파일
P. 138


                                                                                                                                                                    -                      “ -
                                                                                                                                                                  '`조 2, 、 ·느.  ;, ..  ,  •• :.  .'.`\  ••  - •.  ·.··-
                                                                                                                                                                      一 노".-,:. ' ___ :
                                   日 e1s looking at himself.                                                                                           They're enjoyi ng themselves.

                                         I    ➔  me                  ➔  myself                                  I looked at myself in  the mirror.

                                      he      ➔  him                 ➔  himself                                 He cut himself with a knife.

                                    she       _수       her           ➔  herself                                She fell  off her bike, but she didn't hurt herself.

                                                                           { yourself                           Please hel p yourself.  (one person)
                                   you        ➔  you
                                                                     ➔  yourselves                              Please hel p yourselves.  (two or more people)

                                     we       ➔  us                           ourselves                        We had a good holiday.  We enjoyed ourselves.

                                  they        ➔  them                一        themselves                       They had a ni nice time.  They enjoyed themselves.


                                   me/him/them etc.                                                                     myself/himself/themselves etc.

                                                                  is  looking at  him  .                                                 He  is  looking at  himself  .

                                                                d맙erent people                                                                   the same person

                                             000                                                                                  000
                                                  You never talk to me.                                                                Sometimes I talk to myself.

                                                  I didn't pay for them.                                                               Th ey paid for themselves.

                                                  I'm sorry.  Did I hurt you?                                                          Be careful.  Don't h urt yourself.

                                by myself / by yourself etc. = alone:

                                       0  I went on  holiday by myself.  (= I went alone)

                                       0  'Was she with friendst  'No, she was by herself

                                each other

                                       0  Kate and Helen are good friends.  They know each other well.  (=  Kate knows  日 elen / 日elen

                                               knows Kate)

                                        。      Paul and I live near each other.  (=  he lives near me / 11 ive near him)

                                Compare each other and -selves:

                                   JAMES                                                   SUE

                                           0  James and Sue looked at each other.                                           0  James and Sue looked at themselves.

                                                  (=  he looked at her, she looked at him)                                          (=  he looked at himself, she looked at



           136                  ( me/him/them etc. ➔ Unit 59
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