Page 262 - 작업중 파일
P. 262

Additional exercises

                                                                       Complete the sentences (1, 2 or 3 words).

                                                                        1  Mark and Sarah  are  married.  They … ... h認Yf.. r ~fD .......  married for five years.

                                                                        2  David has been watchi ng TV ...... ?..i.!19..~ .. … .. 5 o'clock.

                                                                        3  Joe is at work  日e … .••• …… •••. ……………………………………… ....... ………… ..•••  at work s i n ce 8. 30.

                                                                       4  'Have you just arrived  in London?'                                                                                           'No, I've been  here .............. … ................................. '" .........•.. …… ...............  five days.'

                                                                        5  I've known 日 elen ...................................................................................... we were at school together.

                                                                       6  'My brother lives in Los Angeles.'                                                                                       'Really?  日 ow long ......................................................................................  there?'

                                                                       7  George has had the same job .... …………………………………………………………………… ....  20 years.

                                                                       8  Some friends of ours  are staying wit h us at the moment.  They ……… ........ ………… •.......•.•.....•.........•.......•.......••.... , ..... "  here

                                                                                 si nce Mo nday.

                                                                       Complete the sentences.  Write about yourself.

                                                                        1  I 've n ever ..... .rt검검.fn . 견.h.Q.r.덜C.: .. ……

                                                                        2  I've .…··pC.@n . .Q ,Q.n김o.n ....  many times.

                                                                        3  I 've j ust . " .................... …, ..................... …………… ………… … ……… ………… .......•.......•.......•......•. …… ………… ……… …… …… ................... …… ………, ............. ………, ..•......•.......

                                                                       4  I've               ..•••• ………… ..••• …………………·····… .•••. ………………… .• …… .•• …… ••• …………………………·……… ••...  (on ce  / twice / a few ti m es / n1 any ti m es)

                                                                        5  I h ave n't … .••. … .•• ………………… ••. ………… .•• ………………… •• ………………… .•• ………… .•• ……………………………… .. …………………… ••. ……………… ...• …… ••. … .••• … •••. yet.
                                                                       6  I 've n ever .----…·----…………·--………… .. ----…·---………………………………·---…………·----…·---…………………---……----………………………·---…………·--……----…·----…………………---··-
                                                                       7  I've               …-·……--- ....• ………………………… .••• ………………………--…………………………__ s i n ce …………………… .••• …………………………………………………………-- •. …………………··----…-

                                                                       8  I ve ...... …………………………………… .••• ………………………………………………… ..•• for ………… .••• ………………………………………………………… •••. ………………………… .•••. …………·

                                                  present perfect {I  have done etc.) and past simple {I  did etc.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Units 18-20

                                                                        Present perfect or past simple?  Complete the sentences (positive or negative).

                                                                        1  A:  Do you li ke Lo ndon?

                                                                                 B:  I don't know.  I -… • h.경Y¢.n.'·나?~-~n . …. there.

                                                                        2  A:  日 ave you seen  l<ate?

                                                                                 B:  Yes,  | ....... 슐견.W……- h er fi ve  m i n utes ago.

                                                                        3  A:  That's a nice sweater.  Is  it new?

                                                                                 B:  Yes, I                .••• ………………………………………… .••. ………………_ i t l ast wee k.

                                                                       4  A:  Are you tired this morn ing?

                                                                                 B:  Yes, I , ...... , ••••.. , ...... ,, ....... , .••.. …… .. , ....... ‘ •••• • ,, ..... ,., ..... ,,. to bed  late last n ight.

                                                                        5  A:  Do you want this newspaper, or can  I have it?

                                                                                 B:  You can  have i t.  I , .... … .••... , .•............••••. ………… ........... ………… .... ,. i t.

                                                                       6  A:  Are you enjoying your new job?

                                                                                 B:  | , .... …………………… .............. …… .....•......••... … •... ,. yet.  My first day is next Monday.

                                                                       7  A:  The weather isn't very nice today, is it?

                                                                                 B:  No, but it ·………… .•••. … .••. … ..••• … .••• … ..• ……………………… .•• n i ce yes terday.

                                                                       8  A:  Was  日 elen at the party on  Saturday?

                                                                                 B:  I don't th in k so.  | .………… •••• … ••• ………………………………………… .•• her there.

                                                                       9  A:  Is your son sti II  at school?

                                                                                 B:  N o, he ...... ……………………… ••• … .•• ……………… .••• ………. sch oo l two years ago.

                                                                    1 O  A:  Is Silvia married?

                                                                                 B:  Yes, she ............................................................................  m arri ed for five yea rs.

                                                                    11  A:  日 ave you heard ofGeorge Washington?

                                                                                 B:  Of course.  日e ,, .... …………………………………………………………….  the fi rst Presiden t of the U nited States.

                                                                    12  A:  日 ow long does it take to n1ake a pizza?

                                                                                 B:  I don't know.  I .,…………………………… .................. …, ..•.............•.. a pizza.

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