Page 263 - 작업중 파일
P. 263
Additional exercises
Write sentences with the present perfect or past simple.
1 A: 日 ave you been to Thailand?
B: Yes, .…··겅흄t..Y깥.r.…….. ( I / go / th ere / last year)
2 A: Do you l i ke Lon don?
B: I don't know. .. .... r.v,인,.n.C.V훈,r .. P.~§.n.r..h~n~:....... (I / never / there)
3 A: What ti me is Paul going out?
B: ......................................... …… ........................................................ …....................................................................................................... ( he / al ready / go)
4 A: 日 as Catherine gone home?
B: Yes, ...... , ..... … ........... …………………………… ..••••... , ••••....•••....••••... , ••••... ‘ •••• ••• …………………… ..... ……………… ••••....••••... ...... (sh e / leave / at 4 o'cl oc k)
5 A: New York is my favourite city.
B: I s i t? ..................................................................................................................................................... ?
……………… •••• … •• ………… •• …………·…… •••• ………… ••• ……………………… ••• … ••• ………… •• ………… • ( how m any ti m es / you / th ere?)
6 A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: I don't know. … •••• … ••• ……………… ••• ………………………………………… •••• ……………… ••• ……………… ••• ………… •• ….... ( I / not / decide / yet)
7 A: I can'tfind my address book. 日 ave you seen it?
B: .... ………… ••• ………… ••• ………… •• ………… •••• ………… ••• … ••• ……………………………… • ………… •••• ……………………………... ( it / o n th e tabl e / l ast n igh t)
8 A: Do you know the Japanese restaurant in Leeson Street?
B: Yes, ............................................................................................................................................................................. (I / eat / there a few times)
9 A: Paula and Sue are here.
B: Are they? •.....••••....•••....••••....••••...••••....•••....••••....••••...••••....•••• "' ........................................................... …....... . (what t i m e / th ey / arrive?)
Present perfect or past simple? Complete the sentences.
1 A: ...... H.경V.연.XQ.U,, … to France?
B: Yes, n1any ti mes.
A: When ......................................................... the last time? 츠 ` FRANCE
B: Two years ago.
2 A: Is this yo ur car?
ls t his
B: Yes, it i s.
your car?
A: 日ow lo ng , .... … •••.. , ••• ,.………… .... , ..... , .... ………… •••. ,., .... ,.,. i t?
B: It's new. I
……………………… ................... ……………………… ••. it yesterday.
3 A: Where do you live?
B: In 日 aro Id Street.
A: 日ow lo ng ..... , , ..... ,, ...... ……'"'"'"'" """'"'""'"'"'" """', ..... , ...... ,, ...•. ,.,. t he re?
B: Fi ve ye a rs. B efo re th at , ... ……………… ……… .............................................
you live?
in Mill Road.
• 日ow long
A: , ............... …………………………… ................ …… ....• | n Mi ll Road?
B: Abo ut th ree years.
4 A: What do you do?
B: I work in a shop.
A: 日ow lo ng ............. … ...... , ..................... … ........................... …… •....••••....• there?
B: Nearly two years.
What do
A: What .-… • ………… •• ………………………………--·…………_ . befo re that?
you do?
B: I ……………… .. --…………-·……----…---…………-·…… __ a taxi dri ve r.