Page 12 - Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians, 2nd Edition
P. 12


                               Pref ace                                                     xi

                               Preface to the Second Edition                              xiii

                               Chap ter 1. In tro duc tion                                  1

                                 Ter mi nol ogy                                             1
                                 The Or ga ni za tion of the Li brary                       3
                                 The Li brary Per son nel                                   4
                                 Cat a loging and the Li brary Tech ni cian                 5
                                 Re view Ques tions                                         7

                               Chap ter 2. Li brary Cat a logs                              9
                                 Ter mi nol ogy                                            10
                                 Functions of the Catalogs                                 11
                                 Types of Cat alogs                                        11
                                 El e ments of a Bib lio graphic Re cord                   15
                                 Re view Ques tions                                        17

                               Chapter 3. Tools Used for Cat aloging                       19

                                 Ter mi nol ogy                                            19
                                 In tro duc tion                                           20
                                 An glo-Amer i can Cat a loguing Rules,
                                    Sec ond Edi tion, 1998 Re vi sion                      21
                                 Library of Con gress Sub ject Head ings                   22
                                 Sears List of Sub ject Head ings                          23
                                 Dewey Dec i mal Clas si fi ca tion and Rel a tive In dex  23
                                 Li brary of Con gress Clas si fi ca tion Sched ules, A to Z  24
                                 C. A. Cut ter’s Three-Fig ure Au thor Ta ble              25
                                 Re view Ques tions                                        25

                               Chap ter 4. De scrip tive Cat a loging                      27
                                 Ter mi nol ogy                                            27
                                 In tro duc tion                                           29
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17