Page 13 - Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians, 2nd Edition
P. 13
An glo-Amer i can Cat a loguing Rules, Sec ond Edi tion,
1998 Re vi sion 31
Part I. De scription 31
Part II. Head ings, Uni form Ti tles, and Ref erences 45
Re view Ques tions 59
Chapter 5. Sub ject Headings 61
Ter mi nol ogy 64
Library of Con gress Sub ject Head ings 65
Sears List of Sub ject Head ings 73
Re view Ques tions 78
Chap ter 6. Clas si fi ca tion 79
Ter mi nol ogy 81
Dewey Dec i mal Clas si fi ca tion Sys tem 81
Book Num ber for the DDC 88
Li brary of Con gress Clas si fi ca tion Sys tem 91
Book Num ber for the LCCS 94
Re view Ques tions 96
Chapter 7. Copy Cat aloging 97
Ter mi nol ogy 98
Sources for Copy Cat aloging 99
Re view Ques tions 110
Chapter 8. Cat aloging on Com puters 111
Ter mi nol ogy 111
In tro duc tion 112
The Marc Format 113
Original and Copy Cat aloging on Com puters 122
Re view Ques tions 124
Chap ter 9. The Cat a loging De part ment 125
Ter mi nol ogy 125
Or ga ni za tion 125
The Au thor ity File 126