Page 60 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 60
Exercise Description Time Reps month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Moderated curl ups
Same position above but keep one leg straight along the floor . One arm behind the head and one arm reaching forwards up your thigh, grab the knee cap at the top and return to lying. Keep the head off the floor all the time
Do not tug on your head. Hands support the weight of the head they do not pull it . Use your stomach muscles
2.00 minutes Count and record total number of reps completed in 2 minutes
Push ups ; Hand release
Top of a plank position. Hands under the shoulders , spine neutral, looking down at the floor. Lower yourself to the ground . Elbows should be tuned at 45’ Touch the chest to the ground and reach the arms reach straight out to both sides
Hands go back underneath the shoulders and push yourself back up to the top position Keep the core strong
Do not let the
1.00 minute Count total reps
lower back sag