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compared with 8.9% in Wales as a whole). Life expectancy for both males and females is broadly in line with the rest of Wales at 78.9 and 82.7 years respectively.
Areas of deprivation centre on parts of Llanelli in Carmarthenshire, Pembroke Dock in Pembrokeshire and Cardigan in Ceredigion.
People living in West Wales have generally healthier lifestyles than is typical across Wales. However there are particular challenges to address, for example higher rates of alcohol consumption in Ceredigion and rates of obesity above the national average in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.
More information is provided in Chapter 6 of the main report.
1.3 How we undertook the Population Assessment
The Assessment was undertaken collaboratively by all partners in the region and has been agreed by the RPB. It has also been endorsed by the three LAs and the UHB, signifying a shared commitment across partner agencies to address its findings.
Cross-agency groups were established to undertake a detailed assessment of care and support needs for different user groups, using a common template to provide consistency and allow full consideration of the characteristics of the group, likely care and support needs, the extent to which these are currently being met and where change is most needed. The results of these individual assessments were collated into thematic reports. The benefits of this process should not be underestimated. The positive impact of bringing people from across the region together to consider shared challenges and learn from current practice has been considerable and provides a firm foundation for collaboration moving forward.
Opportunities were taken to engage with people needing care and support and their carers across West Wales. Questions relating to people’s experience of care and support and their thoughts on how things might be improved were included in the Wellbeing Survey conducted across the region during August and September 2016 to inform the Wellbeing Assessment required under the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Residents were given the chance to discuss relevant issues in a range of consultation events held over the autumn. We also engaged where possible with other stakeholders such as providers in the third and independent sectors. A summary of the outcomes from this engagement is provided in Chapter 3 of the main report (pages 26 – 30). This, combined with the use of information from previous consultation and engagement, provides us with an invaluable insight into the views of our local population but needs to be consolidated through further engagement as we develop our Area Plan and refresh the Assessment in mid-cycle.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Executive Summary

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