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A range of quantitative data was used to provide a comprehensive picture of current and future care and support needs and how these are currently being met. To maximise the usability of the Assessment we have included high level, indicative data relating to the region and the constituent LA areas. A comprehensive data repository is being established to retain additional data which will support improvement planning and inform future Assessments.
The Assessment has drawn on a range of existing strategies and plans in place across the region, thus providing an opportunity to review strategic intent at regional and local level. It will be important to ensure that these are reviewed in the light of the Assessment’s findings and that the resulting Area Plan aligns with and complements existing plans where appropriate.
In undertaking the Assessment, close reference was made to the National Outcomes Framework for people who need care and support and carers who need support. (Welsh Government, 2016). For example, the principle of people being empowered to understand their own needs, articulate these, take an active part in decisions affecting their lives and having access to the right information to improve their wellbeing, is a consistent theme throughout the thematic reports.
Consideration was also given to a range of cross-cutting issues which need to underpin our journey of improvement and change, namely:
• TheneedtoensureprovisionofcareandsupportthroughthemediumofWelshfor those who need it and to ensure that the requirements of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and the ‘More than Just Words’ strategy are fully met
• The importance of recognising the particular needs of minority and marginalised groups in developing care and support; we undertook a simple Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the Assessment and are committed to undertaking further, detailed EIAs as the Area Plan is developed
• Thecentralityofpreventionandtheneedtoensurethattheprinciplesofprevention underpin the range of care and support available, thus improving personal outcomes, promoting independence and reducing or delaying people’s need for ongoing care and support
• Thevitalimportanceofsafeguardingintheprovisionofcareandsupport,interms of ensuring people are protected from abuse and neglect and the effective exercise of new powers in relation to adults at risk
• DutiesundertheActregardingthepromotionofsocialenterprises,user-ledservices and the third sector and the need for a focused and strategic approach in growing such provision to ensure greater diversity of public services and empowering people and communities through a co-productive approach
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Executive Summary