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11.3. Current and Future Care and Support Needs
A 2013 survey of attitudes towards mental health showed there is a need for a better understanding of mental health issues (Opinion Research Services, 2014). The survey suggests:
• 1in7believethatpeoplewithamentalillnesscanneverrecover
• 1in7believethatassoonasapersonshowssignsofmentalillnesstheyshouldbe
• 1in4peoplebelievesaidthatbeingaroundsomeonewithamentalillnesscanmake
them feel uncomfortable
• Nearly1in10believethatpeoplewithmentalhealthissuesshouldnotbegivenany
Organisations in West Wales are working in partnership to improve the health and wellbeing gains for people who are, or have potential to experience, mental health problems. This work is being driven through the Transforming Mental Health Services Programme (TMHSP).
Consultation activities to inform the TMHSP have identified the following key care and support needs for individuals with mental health problems:
• Improveaccesstocareandsupportserviceswithclearpathwaysintoandthrough services, including evenings and weekends
• Improveservicesandsupportforyoungpeopleintransition;Improvecollaboration between statutory organisations, including primary care, to respond to unscheduled care needs
• Improvebedavailabilityandmanagement,anddevelopcommunityalternativesto hospital in a crisis
• ImprovetransportandconveyancinginrelationtotheMentalHealthAct;
• Improve services and support for people with Autism and Autistic Spectrum
Disorders (ASD)
• Develop a collaborative approach with the third sector to facilitate information,
advice and assistance that supports the development of population resilience
• Builduponawarenessraisinginitiativesthathelptacklethestigmaanddiscrimination
faced by those who have mental health issues
• Improveresponseforindividualswithlow-levelsofanxiety/depression;
• Improveaccesstocounsellingservices
• Improvesupportforcarers
• Accesstoarangeofaccommodationoptions
and accommodation support
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health