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Figure 11:6 Number of individuals referred to Primary Mental Health Support Services in 2015-16
Carmarthenshire 1727
Hywel Dda Total
Source: Local data
1130 1822 4679
In West Wales, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) are a partnership between Social Services and Hywel Dda University Health Board and are the central point of referral for those requiring access to secondary mental health services. Part 2 of the Measure specifies that any individual receiving secondary mental health services must also have an up-to-date care and treatment plan. CMHTs have a duty to assess anyone who appears to be experiencing mental health difficulties which are affecting their ability to lead their usual life.
The figure below shows how many individuals were accepted into secondary services during 2015/16, and also how many have been discharged. Mental health services focus on a recovery model; this means that many individuals do not need to remain under the care of secondary mental health services throughout their lives.
Figure 11:7 CMHT Care Treatment Plans 15/16
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Source: Hywel Dda University Health Board
Accepted to CTP Discharged from CTP
Most individuals experiencing mental health crisis or more severe problems prefer not to be treated in hospital. HDUHB established Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams in December 2012 that are able to work flexibly and intensively, outside normal working hours, to treat people at home and to help them avoid admission to hospital.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health

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