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• Improveavailabilityofmeaningfuldaytimeemploymentopportunities
• Accesstoage-appropriateenvironmentsshouldbeprovidedforchildrenandyoung
people; and
• Serviceusersmustcontinuetobeattheheartofservicedesignandprovision
Alongside the engagement events the Mental Health Programme Group (MHPG) have been working closely with West Wales Action for Mental Health (WWAMH) to produce a report on independent service user and carer perspectives on alternative models of care (Wright et al, 2016).
11.4. Current Care and Support Provision
The mental health needs of society have changed significantly over the past decade. Treatment advances have also changed with delivery of services moving away from a reliance on hospital care and instead providing services in community settings where people can remain supported primarily by families and friends or, when required, by services delivered by health, social care and the third sector.
Since 2012 and the introduction of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 (the Measure), the vast majority of people with mental health problems are treated at a primary care level, either through their GP or Primary Care Mental Health Services. This promotes early intervention for people experiencing mental health difficulties, the aim being to reduce the likelihood of their condition deteriorating and the need for secondary mental health services.
The introduction of the Local Primary Mental Health Support service (LPMHSS) has enabled closer integration of mental health services with primary care and GP services to provide short term psychological interventions, both individual and group, to individuals with a mild to moderate mental health problem. In addition, the LPMHSS also provide support and training to professionals working within primary care teams in relation to their management of individuals on their caseloads with mental health issues.
The significant numbers of people accessing Primary Mental Health Support Services in West Wales during 2015/16 are summarised below, and reflect the priority given to early intervention support.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health