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The CRHT Teams also work closely with in-patient units to ensure that people are able to be discharged as early as possible. The numbers of people referred to CRHT services in 2015/16 are summarised in the table below.
Figure 11:8 Referrals to Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Teams 2015/16
Carmarthen CRHT 840
Ceredigion CRHT Llanelli CRHT Pembrokeshire CRHT Total
Source: Hywel Dda University Health Board
520 1010 775 3145
Specialist Services such as psychological and occupational therapies and psychiatric interventions deliver services in a range of community and in-patient settings, including forensic mental health provision. Inpatient mental health services are provided by the Health Board, or commissioned from the independent sector. The numbers of admissions to hospital have fallen since 2009 as shown below.
The number of individuals detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act has risen from 217 in 2013/14 to 303 in 2015/16 and based on in-year activity. A further increase is expected to be reported at the end of 2016/17.
There are still significant numbers of people receiving residential care services and as illustrated below this is set to continue to rise by 2030.
A priority for the local authorities is to reverse this trend and develop housing options to prevent admission to hospital and residential settings, and facilitate discharge from hospital. There is need to jointly commission a range of community accommodation options and services that offers more choice and control for individuals using mental health services. 97% of those in residential placements are in independent sector care homes under contract, with 17% of these receiving nursing care in those settings.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Mental health