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• AwarenessoftheNHSLowVisionServiceinWestWalesneedstoberaised,thusincreasing the number of referrals to the service and enabling appropriate support to be provided
• Specificsupportservicessuchasinterpretation,translation,lipreadingandtalkingtherapies need to be enhanced to ensure they are available and accessible across the region
• Take-up of Direct Payments should be encouraged to ensure that people can exercise genuine choice and control over the care and support they receive
Figure 13:7 Numbers of social services clients aged 18-64 with physical or sensory disability or frailty receiving direct payments.
Source: Welsh Government
Figure 13:8 Numbers of social services clients aged 65+ with physical or sensory disability or frailty receiving direct payments.
Source: Welsh Government
• Socialcareassessmentprocessesshouldbereviewedtoensurethatsensorylossis identified and steps taken to put appropriate care and support in place
Prevention and Early Intervention
Wales leads the UK in many areas of eye care, including clinical and research arenas. But where sight cannot be saved, there must be provision for preventing further functional deterioration and providing mitigating strategies that enable independent living. Rehabilitation for the Vision Impaired meets the Article 26 UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People. Specialist services such as ophthalmology and glaucoma clinics need to be sufficiently resourced to ensure timely intervention and to guard against further deterioration in conditions.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Sensory impairment