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13.6. References
Action for Blind People (n.d.). Key statistics.
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Action on Hearing Loss (2009). Hearing Matters.
Action on Hearing Loss (2015). Hearing Matters:
Why urgent action is needed on deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss across the UK. Available at: ing/Research/Hearing_Matters_2015/Hearing%20Matters%20Report.ashx
Action on Hearing Loss (2016).
Facts and figures on hearing loss, deafness and tinnitus.
Available at: hearingloss/statistics/~/media/56697A2C7BE349618D336B41A12B85E3.ashx
Boyce, T. (2011). Falls - costs, numbers and links with visual impairment. London: RNIB
Bristol City Council (2014). Social Isolation and Physical and Sensory Impairment: Research Findings Report.
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Daffodil Cymru (2014a). People aged 18 and over predicted to have a moderate or severe visual impairment by age, and people aged 75 and over predicted to have registerable eye conditions, projected to 2035. [Online].
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Daffodil Cymru (2014b) People aged 18 and over predicted to have a moderate
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Davidson, M., Nicol, S., Roys, M. and Beaumont, A. (2011). The Cost of Poor Housing in Wales. Bracknell: HIS BRE Press.
Echalier, M. (2012). A World of Silence:
The case for tackling hearing loss in care homes. Action on Hearing Loss. Available at:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Sensory impairment

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