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Although as stated earlier there is evidence that GPs fail to refer 45% of those reporting hearing loss (Action on Hearing Loss, 2009) in 2013 Wales became the first country in the UK to develop guidance on dealing with people with sensory loss for distribution in GP surgeries and hospitals.
• There is a need to ‘grow’ low level care and support within communities, such as facilities to reduce isolation and loneliness and assist people in retaining independence and wellbeing
• Thereisaneedforimprovedlevelsofrehabilitationforpeopleexperiencingvision impairment; this can be highly effective in helping people regain independence, avoid associated decline in physical and mental health, reduce the risk of accidents and support carers in understanding and adapting to the needs of the person they are caring for
Co-operation, partnership and integration
There is a need for a collaborative approach across the region in building on current success and ensuring fit for purpose services that enable people with a sensory impairment to live fulfilled lives and optimise their wellbeing. Existing commitments such as those contained in a Strategic Statement of Intent recently developed by the West Wales Sensory Loss Standards Group (2015) provide useful mechanisms for taking this work forward. The Regional Partnership Board provides a further opportunity for addressing identified challenges in a focused and joined-up way:
• Thereisaneedforcloserworkingbetweensensoryimpairmentservicesandother services, such as residential, nursing and domiciliary care to raise awareness and increase referral rates
• Furtherlinksbetweensensoryimpairmentandlearningdisabilityandmentalhealthteams is needed to ensure appropriate support is available to people with sensory loss
• Similarly, further work is needed with other partners such as employers, to ensure that the needs of people with sensory impairment are recognised and addressed
• Greaterrecognitionisneededofaccessibilityissueswhendesigningthebuiltenvironment
• Insufficientresourcesinatimeoffinancialconstraint
• Ruralityoftheregionandpoorpublictransportwhichcanhinderaccesstoservices
• Workforceissuesrelatingtodifficultiesinrecruitingappropriatelyqualifiedstaffand
ensuring their skills develop in line with changing needs and advances in
• Theneedtodevelopcapacitywithinthethirdsectortoimprovecommunity-based
• Ensuring consistency of provision across the region and appropriate levels of
specialist services in all areas
• Developing self-reliant individuals and resilient communities to support people to
remain independent in their own communities
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Sensory impairment