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those areas of change identified within the Assessment that will be addressed collaboratively over the coming 3 to 5 years.
2.3 Purpose of the Population Assessment
The Population Assessment provides a high level strategic analysis of care and support needs, and support needs of carers across West Wales. It assesses the extent to which those needs are currently being met and identifies where further improvement and development is needed to ensure that individuals get the services they need and are supported in living fulfilled lives.
The Assessment draws on existing strategies in place across West Wales and for the first time brings together the views of citizens, service data and research evidence in a single, regional document. In highlighting shared issues and challenges, as well as successful approaches already in place, it provides an invaluable basis for the RPB in taking forward transformational change. Such change is all the more important in view of the projections within the Assessment, which point towards increased volume and complexity of care and support needs in the region over the next two decades.
Completing the Assessment is only the first step in a much longer process. We are equired under Section 14A of the SSWB Act to respond to the Population Assessment by developing an Area Plan for our region. This will contain actions designed specifically to address the challenges we have identified. Linking with the UHB’s Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP), local authority (LA) plans and those of other partners, the Area Plan will be a key driver for change over the coming period and delivery will be overseen by the RPB. We will look to pool resources wherever possible across agencies to support delivery of the Area Plan and will ensure that additional funding such as the Intermediate Care Fund (ICF) is focused on those areas where most change is needed and the greatest benefit can be gained for people who need care and support.
We recognise the contribution of other services to the wellbeing of people who need care and support and will work with the three Public Service Boards (PSBs) in the region to ensure that the needs we have identified are reflected in wider wellbeing goals and actions across West Wales.
The RPB will undertake new population assessments every five years and will ensure that existing assessments are refreshed mid-cycle. This will provide an opportunity not only for identifying unforeseen changes in the level and type of need for care and support within the region but also for assessing the extent to which the required improvements are happening on the ground. This will enable us to accelerate the pace of change where necessary and to share examples of success across the region and beyond.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction

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