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Where possible we also used recent consultation findings and intelligence gained from individual service users and user and stakeholder groups to inform the detailed assessments contained within the thematic reports. Further detail on our approach to consultation is provided in the Consultation and Engagement chapter.
We also sought to speak with other stakeholders such as providers within the third and independent sector in the course of our assessment, thereby looking to obtain as wide a perspective as possible on need, current provision and priorities for change. In addition, specific research undertaken by academic institutions and organisations representing users and carers has been referenced where appropriate.
Whilst this engagement activity played a key role in our assessment, it has been less extensive in some cases than we had hoped, largely due to the challenging timescales in which we were required to complete our work. We are confident, however, that we have established firm foundations for ongoing engagement as we develop our Area Plan and work towards the refresh of the Assessment by 2020. The RPB has made specific commitments to improve regional arrangements for citizen and provider engagement over the coming period, providing potential opportunities for a rich ongoing dialogue with all stakeholders as we take forward change in West Wales.
Robust quantitative data on our current and projected population and how services are currently provided has been another key element of our Assessment. We have extracted this from a range of sources, including among others a comprehensive data catalogue compiled on our behalf by the Local Government Data Unit, Daffodil Cymru, 2011 census data and statutory performance returns submitted by partner agencies. In analysing the data we have adopted an epidemiological approach, looking at the size and composition of different groups within our region currently and how this is predicted to change in the future, resulting levels of need and the ability of current services to meet those needs. Where appropriate we have also used comparative data to illustrate prevalence in West Wales compared with other parts of the country and, in some cases, significant variances across different parts of our region. Although some data is available at NHS locality and cluster levels, this is not the case for all services. For this reason the majority of data is presented at regional and LA level. In developing the Area Plan, it will be important for partners to examine more local data to ensure responsiveness to local need and the right focus for investment.
We took the decision not to include detailed data on current performance of services within our Assessment. We considered it more important to consider the extent to which current service models and approaches met current need, rather than to assess how well we were providing those services. Of course, performance data is and will continue to be important in assisting managers to identify problems in services and areas for improvement and it will continue to be used in this way to ensure that those needing care and support at the current time get the best possible services.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction

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