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An exception to this was our decision to incorporate early findings from the user surveys circulated by local authorities during the summer of 2016 to assess the extent to which nationally identified outcomes are being achieved for individuals. Details are provided in the Consultation and Engagement chapter.
To keep the report manageable, we have had to select the most pertinent data to each of the user groups; however a comprehensive data repository has been established to retain data not cited directly within the report but which nevertheless will have a role in supporting service planning and informing future assessments.
2.5 Key relevant strategies and plans
The Population Assessment has intentionally drawn on a range of existing strategies and plans in place across the region and provided an opportunity to review strategic intent at regional and local level in the light of identified and projected needs.
Partners have already articulated shared strategic intentions in a number of service areas, for example for older people in the Statement of Intent for the Integration of Services for Older People with Complex Needs (Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, January 2014a), and subsequent Market Position Statement for older people’s services (Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, November 2015) and for learning disabilities in the regional Statement of Intent (Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, October 2014b). These intentions have been tested and in most cases reaffirmed in the Population Assessment. Equally, partners have committed to revising existing plans where necessary to ensure they fully address the findings of the Assessment.
Similarly, there is significant alignment between the themes emerging from the Population Assessment and those that underpin local plans such as the UHB’s Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP), LA improvement plans and a range of service strategies developed on the LA footprints.
When work begins on the development of the Area Plan it will be important to maintain this alignment, ensuring its commitments reflect those within existing plans (adjusted and refocused where necessary) and vice versa. This will help ensure a consistent focus across agencies on the priorities and challenges that have been identified.
Each of the thematic reports includes further details of existing strategies and plans that are relevant to that particular user group.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction

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