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2.6 Delivering national outcomes
The need to achieve improved wellbeing for people in need of care and support lies at the core of our Population Assessment and will underpin our resulting Area Plan. Services across the statutory, third and independent sectors need to continue to work in partnership to build on people’s strengths and abilities and enable them to maintain an appropriate level of independence and realise their personal goals.
To support services in achieving this, the Welsh Government has developed a National Outcomes Framework for people who need care and support and carers who need support. This framework sets out a series of national wellbeing outcomes which people who need care and support and carers should expect in order to lead fulfilled lives. A series of national outcome indicators are identified for each of the outcomes and the framework will be a key driver in identifying evidence-based national priorities for improvement. The national wellbeing outcomes are listed in the following table.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction

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