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2.4 How we undertook the Population Assessment
The Assessment was undertaken collaboratively by all partners in the region and has been agreed by the RPB. It has also been ratified by the three local authorities and the Local Health Board, signifying a shared commitment across partner agencies to address its findings.
To ensure a genuinely collaborative approach, our existing regional Integrated Programme Delivery Board (IPDB), comprising senior representatives from all partner agencies, took on the role of Joint Committee for the purposes of the Assessment. All partners committed to engaging fully and providing time and resources to ensure the Assessment was completed on time and contained relevant information from all parts of the region. Carmarthenshire County Council took a lead agency role, coordinating the process and securing external project management capacity to steer the assessment process and ensure legislative requirements were met.
Key partners in the Assessment, alongside Carmarthenshire County Council, were:
• CeredigionCountyCouncil
• HywelDdaUniversityHealthBoard • PembrokeshireCountyCouncil
• PublicHealthWales
Cross-agency thematic groups were established to undertake a detailed assessment for each user group, each focusing on one or more sections of the population. A common template was followed to help partners fully consider the characteristics of the user group, likely care and support needs, the extent to which these are currently being met, where change is most needed and how this needs to be taken forward over the coming period. The thematic groups also identified specific issues in relation to areas such as market sustainability and workforce and these are aggregated in the Chapter 4.
The IPDB received regular updates on progress and contributed directly to the drafting of the report before recommending to the RPB that it be approved.
In undertaking the Assessment opportunities were taken to engage with people needing care and support and their carers across West Wales. Questions relating to people’s experience of care and support and their thoughts on how things might be improved were included in the Wellbeing Survey conducted across the region during August and September to inform the Wellbeing Assessment required under the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Residents were given the chance to discuss relevant issues in a range of consultation events over the autumn.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction