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The Welsh Government’s ‘Mwy na geiriau’ or ‘More than Just Words’ initiative was launched in 2012 and provides a strategic framework for Welsh language services in health, social services and social care (Welsh Government, 2012). Since its inception the framework has driven a number of important improvements, achieved by optimising existing skills and resources across social services and the NHS.
A follow-on Strategy was launched in 2016 (Welsh Government, 2016a), reflecting the developing legislative context and aimed at building momentum in the development of Welsh language services, in recognition of the importance of care and support delivered through the medium of Welsh for vulnerable people.
Examples might include those suffering from dementia or stroke, or very young children who may only speak Welsh. A key principle of the original Framework – that of the ‘ active offer’ remains central in the new strategy. This means providing a service in Welsh without someone having to ask for it, placing the onus on service commissioners and providers rather than the individual needing care and support. The new strategy covers the following areas: National and local leadership; mapping, auditing, data collection and research; service planning, commissioning, contracting and workforce planning; promotion and engagement; professional education, Welsh in the workplace and regulation and inspection.
Effective delivery of statutory requirements and the requirements within ‘More than Just Words’ is particularly important in West Wales, where a significant proportion of the population is Welsh speaking. The following table provides a break-down of the proportion of Welsh speakers by age in each county within the region, compared with Wales as a whole.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Cross cutting themes

   39   40   41   42   43