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These figures highlight the importance of promoting the Welsh language and taking all available measures to strengthen the breadth of Welsh language services across the region. All statutory partners are signed up to the ‘More than Just Words’ strategy, and a number of local initiatives are in place across the region. A particular challenge in meeting needs in relation to the Welsh language will be in ensuring that a sufficient number of those providing services on the front line are able to converse with users and carers in Welsh where individuals have expressed this preference.
4.3. Minority and marginalised groups
The Regional Community Cohesion Steering Group, comprising Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Powys and Pembrokeshire County Councils, is focusing on mainstreaming the seven outcomes (set out below) of the Community Cohesion National Delivery Plan 2016-17 (Welsh Government, 2016b) into policies, strategies, partnerships and service delivery.
The seven outcomes are to ensure:
• Departments,organisationsandpeopleunderstandhatecrime,victimsmakereports and get appropriate support
• Departments, organisations and people understand modern slavery, victims make reports and get appropriate support
• IncreasedawarenessandengagementacrossGypsyandTravellercommunities.
• Increasedevidenceandawarenessonimmigrationandsupportingtheinclusionof
asylum seekers, refugees and migrants
• IncreasedunderstandingregardingtheimpactsofpovertyonpeoplewithProtected
Characteristics across key service and policy delivery
• Key policies and programmes are supporting and evidencing delivery against the
national goal on more cohesive communities through the Wellbeing of Future
Generations (Wales) Act 2015
• Policiesandservicesareresponsivetocommunitytensions
There are also a range of partnerships in each county that are supporting this work including:
• PembrokeshireVoicesforEquality
• PembrokeshireCountyCouncilCorporateEqualityStrategyWorkingGroup • SaferPembrokeshire,CommunitySafetyPartnership
• CeredigionVoicesforEquality
• CeredigionCorporateEqualityStrategyWorkingGroup
• CeredigionCommunitySafetyPartnership
• EqualityCarmarthenshire
• FairandSafeCommunitiesThematicGroup
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Cross cutting themes

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