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challenges raised in this report, that partners take all opportunities to engage with minority and marginalised groups and ensure their needs are properly understood and addressed. This work will need to be supported as appropriate by further EIAs.
4.4. Prevention
Prevention lies at the heart of the new arrangements for care and support envisaged within the SSWB Act. Specifically, Section 15 of the Act requires local authorities to provide or arrange for the provision of preventative services to prevent, delay or reduce need for care and support. They also have an important role to play in:
• Promotingtheupbringingofchildrenbytheirfamilies,wherethatisconsistentwith the wellbeing of children
• Minimisingtheeffectondisabledpeopleoftheirdisabilities
• Contributingtowardspreventingpeoplefromsufferingabuseorneglect
• ReducingtheneedforproceedingsforcareorsupervisionordersundertheChildren
Act 1989;
• Criminalproceedingsagainstchildren
• Any family or other proceedings in relation to children which might lead to them
being placed in LA care, or proceedings under the inherent jurisdiction of the High
Court in relation to children
• Encouragingchildrennottocommitcriminaloffences
• Avoidingtheneedforchildrentobeplacedinsecureaccommodation;and
• Enablingpeopletolivetheirlivesasindependentlyaspossible
Not surprisingly, partners across West Wales have for some time been working to develop and enhance the range of preventative services available to people who either need care and support or who are likely to in the future. Some of this activity has been supported through national initiatives such as Families First, Flying Start and Integrated Family Support Services in relation to children and families. A range of initiatives are underway in West Wales to build resilience within communities through local provision of low level support services including Information, Advice and Assistance and befriending services which help people remain independent without having to seek formalised care. Programmes targeted at reducing unnecessary hospital admissions, especially among older people, and accelerating discharge back home have been funded through the Welsh Government’s ICF. These include third sector-led partner- ships such as the Pembrokeshire Intermediate Voluntary Organisations Team (PIVOT) which provides a home to hospital service for older people and is now being replicated across all parts of the region.
Meanwhile many new initiatives are being developed across GP clusters to improve the integration of primary and community services and develop approaches such as social prescribing, which encourage the referral of people to wellbeing services within their
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Cross cutting themes

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