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4.6. Promoting social enterprises, cooperatives, user led services and the third sector
The SSWB Act also places a strong emphasis on the role of social enterprises, cooperatives, user-led services and the third sector in providing care and support services. This will be key in delivering the Welsh Government’s policy for greater diversity in the delivery of public services and in empowering people and communities through a co-productive approach.
Once again, a number of the thematic reports identify existing good practice in this area, citing specific examples of social enterprises that are providing a range of services across client groups. However, without exception the reports conclude that these foundations need to be built upon and the development of such new service models accelerated, both to achieve sustainability of care and support within communities and to drive a genuinely community-based approach to wellbeing. In delivering this, expert support will be sought from recognised experts such as the Wales Cooperative Centre and Social Firms Wales to ensure that new models are appropriate and sustainable within the region. Regional forums will be established to support social value based providers to develop a shared understanding of this agenda, and to share and develop good practice.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Cross cutting themes