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communities rather than on to specialist health services. Initiatives such as time banking are being developed to encourage members of the community to contribute to such services; optimising community assets and driving genuinely user-led approaches to prevention.
Current achievements in relation to prevention are set out in more detail in the thematic reports, with a consistent call for further development to ensure the delivery of efficient and effective wellbeing for the local population. The identification of prevention as one of its strategic priorities demonstrates the commitment of the RPB to further improvement in this area.
4.5. Safeguarding
Safeguarding is a central theme in the SSWB Act. In the Act, one of the identified elements of wellbeing is protection from abuse and neglect. For children and young people this includes their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and behavioural development; and their welfare (ensuring they are kept safe from harm).
Part 7 of the Act introduces a new duty on local authorities to make enquiries if they have reasonable cause to suspect that an adult within their area is at risk, and on all relevant partners to report an adult at risk. Councils may grant adult protection and support orders (APSOs) where there is reasonable cause to suspect that a person is an adult at risk and the order is needed to enable them to be assessed.
Under the Act all relevant partners of a LA also have a duty to report a child at risk. Local authorities then have a duty to make enquiries (linking into section 47 of the Children Act 1989) if they are informed that a child may be at risk; and to take steps to ensure that the child is safe.
Regional safeguarding boards for children and adults are required under the Act, representing a range of partners and with responsibility for identifying and disseminating effective practice in relation to safeguarding. These are in place in the Mid and West Wales region, complementing local safeguarding arrangements and spanning the West Wales and Powys areas. A review of the regional safeguarding board – CYSUR - was undertaken in late 2015 and informed the structure and operation of the adult safeguarding board which was established in early 2016. Both boards come together on a regular basis to share approaches and consider common issues.
Arrangements are in place in each LA to ensure compliance with the other safeguarding duties introduced by the Act and outlined above.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Cross cutting themes