Page 2 - NFF News November 2019
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              60 Seconds with Gary Hooper
Craft Competition Organiser
Tell us about your yourself...
I’m Gary Hooper, owner of GCH Fishmongers, Bedford, which I have ran for the past 4 and a half years along with my two sons Ollie and George.
At GCH we pride ourselves on being a family business offering high quality products and an expert professional service. We are also actively involved in our local community taking part in many food festivals/events as well as offering educational sessions to local schools and colleges.
Prior to this I worked for two major supermarkets - Safeway and Tesco as their fish specialist. This involved training, working with suppliers and supporting the Commercial and Technical Teams with knowledge around fresh fish and shellfish. With the everchanging world of the supermarkets and the focus on fresh food counters diminishing, I became disillusioned and made the decision to open my own shop. I chose my hometown as there had been no fishmonger in the area for many years. As a lifelong resident of the town, I felt this was an ideal opportunity.
  Andrew Barker retains his British Fish Craft Champion Crown! .......................................................
60 Seconds
British Fish Craft Championships Cardiff Bay 2019 .......................................................
Meet Your New Craft and Craft Challenge Champions .......................................................
Ken’s Column
British Fish Craft Championships Hall of Fame 2019 .......................................................
Fishing News Awards
Farm & Deli Awards
Fishmonger Apprenticeships
Alaskan Seafood
Seafish News
Master Fishmonger Standard
Obituary: John Masters
UK Seafood Summit 2019
Diary Dates
NFFNews is compiled by the
National Federation of Fishmongers
for more information and a list of council members in your area please contact:
The N.F.F. Secretary
PO Box 1528, Bedford MK42 5DE
Telephone: 01234 211686
          Your Involvement in the Craft Competitions...
My first year of competing was 2001 representing Safeway. After a couple of years and through my friendship with John Sullivan and Charlie Caisey MBE, I became more involved and decided to stop competing and concentrate full time on being a Craft team member. Since the days of Hays Galleria, when I first started, the profile of the Competition has gone from strength to strength which in turn has meant the need for more volunteers, work, sponsorship and funding.
I took over as Competition Organiser in 2014, when thanks to N.E. Lincs Council we were able to secure a deal to move to Cleethorpes. I’ve seen many changes in my short time but cannot thank the team around me enough for all their hard work and commitment. People like Alun Tandy who has been with us for more years than he can even remember!
Also, Ralph Kellythorn, Dave Wilson, Neil Morris and Rob Williams - to name just a few. Most of these people are not even connected to the Federation but are happy, each year, to come along and give up their time - because they love it so much. There’s always lots to do, but we always have a laugh and they enjoy meeting everyone.
Whilst it all comes together over the Championship weekend, work starts months before, with Production Team and Council meetings as well as securing sponsorship and funding. The week before is always a bit frantic arranging for all the fish to be delivered ensuring it all arrives at the right place at the right time. Saturday morning will see Terry Martin and myself up early making sure all is correct before the proceedings start – usually both suffering with a hangover! Even after the awards and everyone has left, there’s all the clearing up to do, with tables to clean and put away for another year.
One thing that has struck me and remained constant over the years is the enthusiasm of our fishmongers and how they support and cheer each other on. This year it was great to be given the opportunity to return to Cardiff – always a popular location.
Personally, I thought it was a huge success and discussions are already in place as we look to 2020. Once again, my sincere gratitude to all involved.
Anyone looking to join the Fish Trade
Its hard work, not very glamourous, unsociable hours, cold and wet! – so why do we do it?
Ask anyone in the Industry, and I guarantee most will say once you are in, you don’t ever want to do anything else, it becomes a lifestyle and you gain a passion for it. Unlike most industries, it’s quite niche and whilst we are all spread out over the Country, many are known to each other. Another reason why the Craft Competition is so popular – as its an ideal time to catch up.
With all my years’ experience, there is always something new to learn e.g. When I was at the Cromer Crab festival a few years back there was a lady dressing crabs, in a way I had not seen before. My advice – listen and learn, don’t be afraid to ask questions. There will always be someone willing to help.
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