Page 3 - NFF News November 2019
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  British Craft Championships
Cardiff Bay, Sunday 25th August 2019
After a very successful weekend which saw over 50 Competitor’s entering, 2019 ended with Andrew Barker of Hodgson’s Fish being crowned Champion for the second year running.
Cardiff proved, yet again, to be a popular venue helped by the glorious weather, with huge crowds watching over the two days.
Saturday saw filleting demonstrations by Master Fishmongers, Terry Martin and Dave Bennett followed by a cookery masterclass all featuring Wild Alaskan Salmon, Sable fish ( Black Cod ) and Wild Halibut – all fantastic quality fish kindly donated by the Alaskan Seafood Marketing Institute. Saturday also saw Master Fishmonger Standard assessments take place with Alison Freeman of Fishmongers’ Company in attendance.
Sunday was an early start with 12 different competitions to get through. This including the new exotic fish round – kindly sponsored by Fresco Fisheries Ltd and the Cooked Welsh Seafood Collage sponsored by the Welsh Seafood Cluster and judged by Sian Davies of the WSC – both proved popular additions to the programme
Once again, the whole event was hugely supported by our sponsors with many in attendance over the two days – these including Ian Mayo of New England Seafood, Manuela Gomez of Stolt Sea Farm, Chris Leftwich of the SAGB and Gareth Jenkins of Mowi Scotland. Also in support were Trond Sandvik and Thomas Torstensen of Sterling White Halibut.
Based in Aberdare, South Wales and Joining us this year, for the first time were National Federation of Fish Frier’s member Penalunas Fish & Chips selling taster portions using Wild Pollack. This fish again all kindly donated by the Alaskan Seafood Marketing Institute. Penaluna’s commented “Lee and the team with him had a great time and have commented on the fun they had; some were surprised with what goes on in other trades which
means their knowledge is being built up. Overall a great experience for them.”
A great weekend with many success stories from our brilliant fishmongers!
Anyone wishing to purchase photo’s – these are still available
through Neil Morris at Touchdown Design.
    Craft Champion 2019
Andrew Barker
of Hodgson’s Fish Hartlepool
Having worked for Hodgsons Fish, a family run Business based in Hartlepool, for the past 7 years - Andrew has been entering the Craft Competition for the past 14.
“I was over the moon having won for the first time last year. This year my wife came to support me and was my rock. It was a fantastic weekend and we had a fantastic time. When the results were called out at the end, I was so nervous. When my name was called out, she screamed with joy and was overwhelmed with emotion. It was brilliant that she was able to be there and see me compete and witness first hand my passion for the Industry.
I would like to thank Gary, Caroline and all the team for their tireless efforts in putting together an awesome Competition each year and the wife for putting up with me!
To all those who are looking to enter in the future - good luck - and for those not sure or who have never tried it, my advice is get there, try it, I guarantee you will love it.”
Andrew Barker
Hodgson Fish Ltd
Craft Challenge Champion
Lee Roberts of Sailbrand Ltd
With a North East double – congratulations also go to Lee of Sailbrand Ltd based in Huddersfield for achieving success on his first year of entering. We look forward to seeing you back next year!
“Following a break of nearly 20 years leaving the industry to establish a small pub restaurant and fish and chip takeaway chain, the opportunity arose to purchase Sailbrand Ltd in 2018.
A Company established for 40 years, delivering 1500 deliveries per week on 13 routes across the North of England and Yorkshire, in partnership with Hodgson Fish of Hartlepool, which (up to press) has been the best business decision I've made for years .
As much as the industry is a changing environment, I feel it’s in a much better place than when I left it! Let’s see what the future brings!”
Lee Roberts
Sailbrand Ltd
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