Page 7 - Fat to Flat Belly 2
P. 7

    Exercise Description Time / Reps / HR\u000A        Moderated push ups\u000AStand up straight and tall. Feet slightly wider than hip width, toes pointing slightly out.\u000AThink of lowering your butt between your hips.\u000ADrive your knees out , over the toes\u000AKeep the chest up\u000AWeight is in the heels mostly.\u000AShins should be 90\u2019to the ground\u000AImagine you are in front of a pain of glass\u000ALook forwards and keeping your core engaged return to a standing position\u000A  2.00 minutes count your reps\u000A   Squats\u000A( moderated )\u000A  If you have a stability ball ( big inflatable ball ) then perform these squats with the ball against the wall , press the ball into your lower back.\u000APerform the same motion as described above\u000AUse the ball to ease yourself down into a full squat position , weight in the heels, press through the heels to return to a standing position .\u000AArms out in front to help with balance\u000A    2.00 minutes count your reps\u000A   Tricep dips\u000AWith your hands resting on a bench or elevated ledge or seat\u000AHave your fingers facing your heels stretch your legs out in front of you Bend your elbows and point them backwards and drop yourself with your back parallel to the side - straight up and down - you should feel this in the back of your arms . Continue until your elbows are bent ( depending on your shoulder flexibility ) back behind you - then press through the palms of your hands until your arms are straight again\u000A   Moderated dips\u000A   Same as above but bend your knees at 90\u2019 to take the pressure off the back of your arms\u000A      Lunges\u000A Standing up tall , step out with one leg infant of you - the outstretched heel should be in line with the same hip\u000AAs you step the feet remain the same width as your hips.\u000AStep out as far as you can - your weight should be in your heel of the forward foot, knee in line with the heel\u000ALean back with your torso but stand tall\u000APress through the forward heel to stand together and then step forwards with the other leg\u000ADO NOT PUSH THROUGH THE TOES\u000AThe back knee should scim or be just shy of the floor\u000AForward knee tracks forward pinky - do not let the knee cave in at the front !\u000A  As many Reps as possible in 1.00 minute\u000A     2\u000A

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