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powerful actions to invite Earth Angels and Magic
Moments into your life:
1. Turn Off The Blame Game
The blame game is a linguistic villain lurking in the
shadows, ready to sabotage our lives. In a study called
Blame Contagion, researchers Will M. Hart, John F.
Dovidio and Samuel L. Gaertner determined that
people who love pointing fingers and blaming others
end up losing status, earning less and performing
worse. It's like a self-destruct button they've
unknowingly pressed. What’s more, blame doesn't just
mess with your success; it also snatches away your
chances for positive change.
Blaming others is no big surprise. Listen to your
friends, neighbors, and the media. We are surrounded
by helpless language. "The politicians are to blame."
"Blame it on the unions." "The doctor says it’
impossible." "Life’s too short." "It’s Monday!" "Obesity
is a disease." "He’s shy." "It is what it is." "It’s Friday—
what do you expect?" "My ex is a complete jerk!"
Let it trigger an awareness in yourself to monitor
your own thoughts and words until you can remove

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