Page 129 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 129
Chapter 20:
Earth Angels in the Making
Eric Hogan sat in his kitchen, sipping coffee,
working on his notes for his 10 o'clock interview with
Woman's World Magazine and waiting for his toast to
pop. The morning sun shone through the window, and
just as he was about to open a fresh jar of peanut
butter, his phone rang. He answered, hoping he hadn't
messed up on his timing.
"Mr. Hogan?" a gruff voice asked.
"That's me.” Eric replied.
"Mister Eric Hogan?" the voice repeated.
Eric's instincts kicked in. Something didn't feel
"I'm Daniella Lewis, vice principal at Lancaster
County School," the voice continued.
As she spoke, Eric's toast suddenly caught fire. He