Page 128 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 128

Escalade and nudged the doorman aside. She insisted
on taking my bags into the lobby. Beaming now, she
threw up her hands. “How do I find my gift?”
“First find your purpose. Figure out what you’
really been doing your whole life, then sort out what
gives you blissful joy deep down, and finally uncover
what makes you angry beyond belief about the world
around you. Your purpose will be in between these
three walls somewhere.” I pressed the book into her
“Sounds like a plan.” She smiled with her eyes.
“Julia, life doesn’t care about your plans. Plans are
fragile because life is unpredictable. What life cares
about is your purpose - the reason you're here, the
difference you're meant to make, and the impact you're
capable of having. Find your purpose and free your
spirit. Then you can make your plans.”
I turned and strode towards the crazy opulence of
The Palazzo Lobby at The Venetian Hotel.
‘This place is nuts,’ I thought. ‘ I love my job.’

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