Page 145 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 145
but we're still super lonely, you feel me?
"So yeah, just let me be, and don't bug me, okay?"
With that Pargash’s mouth twitched and he burst
into a genuinely sweet white smile. He looked into the
audience and said, “Thanks eh. And like shut up—kind
Cassidy Cox was back at the mike with more
“Thank you very much, Pargash.”
Pargash returned to his seat and Principal Cox
waited for the room to come to order.
“In the Alameda County Study from the Harvard
School of Health Sciences,” she began, “Dr. Lisa
Berkman and her team carefully looked at 7,000
people, aged 35 to 65, over a period of nine years.”
She was losing her audience.
“Wait you’ll find this very interesting.”
The room hushed slightly.
“Their study concluded that people who actively
socialize and meet new people are almost three times
less to die of medical illness than those who don’t.” She
folded her notes. “I thought you might like to know