Page 150 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 150

“Ever since we've been kids,” Selina continued,
“our parents have drilled ‘strangers are dangerous’ into
our heads. They're not wrong. As a girl, who is always
told be careful when in public, I have to mind what I
say or do with everyone. If I decide to nod or smile at
someone on the street, I have to think about the
consequences first. What if my smile or speaking to a
random person leads them on to thinking I'm
interested in them and then they become a stalker?”
Selina closed her eyes, held her breath and froze for
a few seconds. Then exhaled and opened her eyes.
“But, every now and then, one of them smiles or
says something and it really perks me up. It's a really
small gesture but it's magical in making me feel
“Speak up? Shut up? I don’t know anymore.”
Lots of nods from the audience. Then applause.
Cassidy Cox was up again.
“Well, yes ladies, gentlemen and students isn’t that
the truth. Thank you Selina, that’s the question we’
all here to answer this evening. A big round of
applause please, and thanks to Mr. Hogan who

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