Page 155 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 155

“We need the emotional input of other humans as
much as we do the air we breathe and the food we eat.
Deprive us of it and we will wither and die just as
surely as if we were deprived of food and fresh air.”
“But, when strangers come together, joy and
knowledge can be shared, love and hope can be found,
food can be grown, diseases can be cured, the
environment can be saved and miracles can happen
every day, every hour, every minute: because the
biggest miracle of all—is you.
“So speak up and make someone’s day. It might just
be your own. Thank you.”
Silence. The calm before the storm. Eric was used to
this response. Stuff still sinking in. Then the audience
rose as one. A full standing ovation.
Catwoman was up and prowling across the stage
to get the mike with both hands on her heart. As she
approached Eric Hogan she the opened her arms wide
and was closing her hands around the mike when
Cassidy Cox plucked it out of Eric’s hand.
Heck for a minute there I thought she was going to hug
him too, thought Principal Cox still entranced with the

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