Page 156 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 156

notion of her pupils being little miracles.
Catwoman blushed and for a moment and didn’t
know what to do. “It’s ok,” Eric said, “stay here next to
me.” He turned and called the other presenters to join
him and the place went nuts. After a minute Principal
Cox signaled to the standing audience she had
something to say.
“Please, stay standing.” The place went quiet.
“What just happened here tonight?” She asked the
room. I’ll tell you. A bunch of strangers came together
and made magic. That’s what happened. So here's
what you can take away from tonight. Your voice
matters and your story deserves to be heard. When
you speak up you can uplift and inspire others. And by
speaking up, you create space for magic to unfold."
Another round of applause.
“All those in favor of speaking up.”

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