Page 20 - EAMMV3
P. 20
But if you look closely, you’ll find luck has nothing to
do with it; they’re just really good at making really bad
decisions and carrying them out really well. I know
this from personal experience. Over and over.
Second, your thoughts are a result of the company
you keep. Spending time with people who radiate a
positive outlook is the single most critical factor in
your future fortune. Hang out with three confident
people, and you’ll probably be the fourth. Hang out
with three complainers, and chances are you’ll be the
fourth. Hang out with three millionaires, and who
knows? Maybe you’ll be the fourth. Hang out with
three cheats, thugs, or conspiracy theorists, and guess
Third, your willingness to take risks and step out of
your comfort zone gives you access to all kinds of
growth. To quote Eleanor Roosevelt, the former first
lady of the United States, "Do one thing every day that
scares you. On the other side of that fear, opportunity
To a cautious person like Rush, Eleanor Roosevelt's
advice might seem a bit strange. After all, fear is a
smart way to keep yourself safe from harm and risks.