Page 28 - EAMMV3
P. 28

All day long, we convey messages through our
words, our actions, and even our presence. Sometimes,
the messages we convey are intentional, like when we
communicate our ideas to others. Other times, it's
through our behaviors, expressions, or simply being
there for someone.
An Angel on a Bicycle
Holly Castillo moved to Port Hope two months ago
with her husband Callum and one-year-old Prudence.
The local college hired Callum as a teacher.
Holly was unsure about Port Hope because she
had to move there for her husband's job, leaving
behind her familiar life and friends. As a stay-at-home
mom, she felt isolated and uncertain about fitting in.
Exploring the town with her daughter helped her
slowly get to know her new surroundings.
“One particular day I’d gone about two miles when
one of the tires on my jogging stroller went flat. Prue
started bawling with all the bumping. I felt so
embarrassed and being new in town made it even
worse—I felt like everyone was staring at me, judging
me. It was like, 'Great, just what I need—another

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