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woman he’d seen around, came over, assumed rapport
with him and told him he looked really good. “I felt
like a million bucks,” he said.
Most people feel good when they get a
compliment. Learning how to make a stranger feel
good when you compliment them is especially
important if you are looking to open new doors and
grow your network.
Look them in the eye for a second and mean it.
Don’t expect a compliment in return. This isn’t tennis.
If you do get one back however, receive it gracefully.
A sincere compliment about a hairstyle, an
accessory, clothes or eyes is ok for most people but
complimenting someone's character or performance
will leave a lasting impression.
“I was skiing at the ski hill I work at and I blew by
an older lady,” Loretta emailed, “at the bottom she
came up to me and said ‘You’re such an amazing skier,
you are an inspiration to watch.' Thank you kind lady,
you made my day.”
“When a stranger found out I worked for Hospice,”
Vikki writes, “he said you’re an angel.’ It made me feel

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