Page 74 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 74
but rather two names of people I can contact. As you
know, I have . . . [here he lets slip his ten-second
commercial, plus his credentials]. I’d like to be able to
use your name as an introduction, not a reference.
That’s all I want.”
Total Strangers
Then there are Total Strangers: people you’
ve never
even seen or bumped into yet.
Perfect Strangers
And Perfect Strangers, people who you’ve maybe
heard of or read about who you know can help you
“perfect” your goals and dreams. When Elon Musk was
in his early twenties, he’d phone the Perfect Strangers
he’d read about in magazines or seen on TV and ask
them out to lunch.
Danger Strangers
And then there are the Danger Strangers, people
who, right or wrong, set off your fight or flight
response the moment you see them. If you’ve watched
enough episodes of Law and Order, seen enough
gangster movies or cheap reality TV, or played enough