Page 72 - EAMMV3
P. 72
Become a Temporary Extrovert
Is it any wonder so many people are afraid to step
out of their comfort zone? Or that on a daily basis,
millions miss out on opportunities to grow by
unwittingly creating irrational phobic responses to
new situations.
Be it fear of embarrassment, losing control,
rejection, loss of income or upbringing, we miss out by
making unconscious split-second limiting decisions.
It only takes a few small steps to overcome the
everyday risks that cause paralysis right on the
threshold of taking action. Here are seven simple tips
for becoming a temporary extrovert.
1. say hello to everyone throughout your day
2. notice the color of their eyes
3. synchronize their body language
4. become a temporary talk-show host and ask “talk-
show host” questions (a statement followed by an
open question). “I hear Seattle’s a fantastic place. If I
only had 3 hours what should I see?” Or become a
temporary news reporter with endless curiosity
5. nod and grunt - give physical and spoken feedback