Page 73 - EAMMV3
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6. make it about them: not you, listen to their hopes
and dreams
7. find common ground
Start small and safe and grow from there.
Compliment Strangers
Scientists in Japan found conclusive proof that the
same area of the brain is activated whether a person is
rewarded with a compliment or with cash. According
to Professor Sadato, at the National Institute for
Physiological Sciences at Okazaki, “receiving a
compliment is as much a social reward as being
rewarded with money. Not only that but people
perform better and are more receptive to strangers
when they receive direct, sincere compliments.”
A week before Peter was to start as an intern with a
prestigious law firm in downtown Toronto he went
shopping for his first-ever professional suit. “I was
forced to do it,” he said. “I’d never owned any
professional clothing before and I was worried if it
would look good or not.”
Less than five minutes after Peter had walked
through the door with his new suit on, a young