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                              Key R&D Members Profile                                                                              Key Global Network

                 SungSoo Kim CEO                                 CheonSoo Kang CTO                               Tom Kosnik                                       Nguyen Manh Hung
                -  KAIST Engineering Graduate                    - IBM, EXEC. DIR. of Development                Stanford Professor                               Viettel CEO
                -  Silicon Valley DFJ (Tim draper) 1st Prize     - POSCO (NYSE Listing Company)                 - Venture Capitalist                            - Vietnam's No. 1 Telecom. group
                -  KAIST Robot Hubo Team Leader                    EXEC. DIR. of Development                    - Graduate School of Business Prof.               with Sales of 11B (60M Users)
                -  IPO Listing Experience                                                                                                                       - MOU Agreement INOPARTNERS

                                                                                                                 Diane Bisgeier                                  Robert Betts Laughlin
                 SooBon Kim Senior Dev.                           DoHyeon Kang Dev.                              FireFox COO                                     Nobel Prize in Physics
                -  KAIST Engineering Graduate                    - Computer Science at NYU                      - Stanford Graduate                              - 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics
                -  Chief Researcher, GF Technology               - Princeton Univ. Hackathon 2019                                                                - MIT Graduate
                -  Haptic feedback R&D for Robots                                                                                                                - Stanford Prof.

                                                                                                                 Ban Ki Moon                                      Tim Draper
                                                                 JaeWoong Kim Dev.                               UN Secretary General                             DFJ Founder
                 KyuYoung Lee Dev.                                                                                                                               - Co-Founder, DFJ & Draper Associates
                                                                - Computer Engineering, SNU                     - UN (United Nations)
                -  AI dev (Tensor Flow specialization)                                                                                                           - Founder, Draper University
                -  HanEum Project PM                            - Algorithm Specialist                          - Secretary-General                              - Harvard / Stanford Graduate
                                                                                                                - Harvard Graduate

                                                                                                                                                                  Lim ByungMin
                 Hazazi Khalid Dev. & International              Jose Betancourt Dev.                            Jin DaeJe
                                                                                                                 SAMSUNG CEO                                      ARGERNA CEO
                - Saudi Arabia, Middle East Communicator         - Spain, South America Communicator                                                            - Africa's 10M SNS 'Agerna’
                - Master of Electronics at SKKU                  - IT & Telecomm. Tech. Consultant              - SAMSUNG Electronics                           - MOU Agreement Signed
                                                                 - Master of Electronics at SKKU                - Stanford Graduate                               with INOPARTNERS

                                                                                   Key Advisory Board

                DaeWook Jung                     ByungHa Kim                            Savio S.Choi                         KyungSu Lim                        JinHong Kim
                IBM EXEC. VP                     Vice Mayor of Seoul                    Asia Bridge Hldgs CEO                EY Consulting DIR.                 Office of the President Korea
               - IBM vice president             - Deputy Mayor of Seoul                - NemoPartners,                      - Financ. Risk cons. KPMG        -  - Presidential Sec. of Economy
                 (IBM for 30 years)              Metropolitan Government                 Vice Chairman                      - Ernst&Young Korea              -  - IAEA Senior Nuclear Security Officer
               - Professor at Suwon             - DIR. of Urban Planning Seoul         - BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON                                                 -  - Education Facility Disaster, Chairman
               - Science Univ.                   Head of Urban Safety Seoul            - AT KEARNEY
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