P. 8

MARKET DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP                                                                               Estimated Key Target Market

                                       Total Market, effective Market, and Profit Market of SIGMARK

             Global TAM*-SAM**-SOM***                               Korean Market TAM*-SAM**-SOM***                                       Global Counterfeits Market

                             TAM*                                                            TAM*

                         2251B USD                                                        449B USD

                            SAM**                                                           SAM**

                          66.8B USD                                                       1.3B USD

                           SOM***                                                          SOM***

                         668M USD                                                         13M USD

                                      Global GDP 2251B USD (Estimated 2020)
                                       Domestic GDP 1610B USD (As of 2019)                                                          The trillion-dollar online counterfeiting
                                                                                                                                    industry is growing at a rate of 20% per
                          TAM is 17% of average manufacturing share of Global GDP                                                                           year.
                        TAM is 28% of average manufacturing share of Domestic GDP

          SAM equals to 1% of our service fee to 30% of the market size (Domestic, Global)                                             Counterfeiting is the world's largest
           applicable to our service in TAM (a market that values premium brands, clothing,                                       criminal enterprise, with a present value of
                                           cosmetics, shoes, electronics, etc.)                                                    $1 trillion and projected to grow to $1.7
                                                                                                                                                    trillion by 2023.
                       SOM is assumed that takes up to 1% of the entire SAM market

                                     ‘TAM * Total Addressable Market          SAM ** Service Available Market          SOM *** Service Obtainable’ Market
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12