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Result: rebalances and protects Result: purifies, deep-cleanses, Result: deep-cleanses
fragile hair. the scalp. the scalp.
Shampooing Traitant VIP O2: Shampooing Traitant Shampooing Traitant
This oxygenating “antipollution” Sébo-Rééquilibrant: Dermo-Apaisant:
shampoo gently washes the hair to This purifying shampoo for frequent This gentle protective shampoo works
protect and rebalance it. Its formula is washing “rebalances” the scalp without to delicately cleanse sensitive scalps
enriched with the Specific Biologique aggressing it thanks to a formula that while preserving their natural balance.
Recherche Oxygenating Complex contains no sodium laureth sulfate. The soothing and reconditioning
that contains extracts of Silk and an- Promotes a healthy and strong scalp. active ingredients make it perfectly
tioxidant-rich plants to energize the Recommended for Scalp Instants prone suitable for the most sensitive scalp
roots. It restores the hair’s volume, to seborrhea and hyper-seborrhea. types, including cases of scalp or facial
sheen and softness. It is recommend- surgery. Entirely non-irritant, it is
ed for stressed, fragile hair. recommended for sensitivity prone and
irritated Scalp Instants.