Page 14 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
P. 14

SAVE THE DATE                                                                                                                  SAVE THE DATE
                                                             Join us at the Monterey Zoo                                                         Annual Loop

                                                             for a special, Greet HWY 68

                                                             Loop Day as we celebrate the                                                            Yard Sale
                                                             magazine's Tenth Anniversary!

                                                             Greet HWY 68 Loop Day at Monterey Zoo                                        Clean out your closets, your   treasures to a central location
                                                                                                                                          cupboards, and your garage; it’s   for shoppers to bargain hunt.
                                                             Join Brad and Laurie,    WHERE: Monterey Zoo,                                time for the Annual Loop Yard   This community event brings
                                                             publishers of “The Loop,”   located at 400 River Rd.                         Sale! Here are the details:  neighbors, friends and treasure
                                                             for our 10 Year Anniversary   REGISTER TO ATTEND                                                        hunters - so bring your coffee
                                                             Party with an exclusive Loop   and buy tickets at                            HOSTS: GREET HWY 68 LOOP   and enjoy the banter of a
                                                             community afternoon at   Eventbrite: https://tinyurl.                        MAGAZINE - BRAD AND        neighborhood gathering, search
                                                             Monterey Zoo!            com/3p58h43f. This includes                         LAURIE MARTIN              for new treasures, and sell your
                                                                “The Loop” is turning 10   special pricing and is only                    DATE: Saturday, July 27th   old items!
                                                             years old this summer and we   for the Loop Community.                       from 9-noon
                                                             want to celebrate with you,   Children under 14 yrs. of age                  LOCATION: Church of the    QUESTIONS: Please contact
                                                             our neighbors and friends;   must be accompanied by an                       Good Shepherd parking lot, 301   Laurie Martin at laurie.martin@
                                                             what better way than with a   adult to attend.                               Corral de Tierra Rd. or phone 272-4620.
                                                             private afternoon at the Zoo!                                                SUGGESTED DONATION: $10/   Pl ease do not contact Church of
                                                                                      We’ll have lots of fun planned                      spot - this is donated to the   the Good Shepherd office.
                                                             DETAILS:                 and treats for everyone.                            church for use of their parking
            HWY 68 LOOP                                      WHEN: Saturday, August 24   Come join us for this                            lot the day of the event.  RSVP to reserve your
                                                             from 2:30 to 4:30 pm     celebration of community!                                                      space to Laurie at Laurie.
                                                                                                                                          We’ll handle the advertising of
                                                                                                                                          the yard sale; you bring your

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