Page 18 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
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“10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE”                                                                                                    “10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE”

                                                                                                                                                                        10 OF OUR

                                                                                                                                                       FAVORITE PHOTOS
                                of sharing stories!
           10                                    THE ROAD TO 10   YEARS IN PRINT   120 ISSUES                                                            his studio  Sean and Colleen Tucker                          CC Shaw’s Photographic Depiction of OCD
                                                                                        BY LAURIE MARTIN
                                                                                                                                                                   from the past 10 years

                                                       110 COVER FAMILIES
                                                       3400+ STORIES SHARED
                                                                                                                                                          Ligare in
                                                       THOUSANDS OF PHOTOS PUBLISHED
                                                       1 PUBLISHING COUPLE, BRAD & LAURIE

                                                       COUNTLESS FRIENDSHIPS MADE

             In The                                    1 PUBLICATION NAME CHANGE
                                       THE TOP 10 THINGS WE LIKE BEST ABOUT THIS
            A social publication for the residents of Corral De Tierra, San Benancio and Robley Roads   |  August 2014
                                                          MAGAZINE BUSINESS
                        Wednesday night BBQ at Episcopal
                          Church of the Good Shepherd
                                                     1. THE INTERESTING PEOPLE WE GET TO MEET
                                                          Families, individuals, young kids, teenagers.
                                                                                                                                                                          Oleg Kozel and his camel               The Tim Knapp and Rico
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Knapp families
                                             2. THE STORIES WE NEVER THOUGHT WE WOULD GET TO SHARE
                                                Your neighbors and their personal stories; their families, friends, trips,
                                                      community activities, milestones and challenges met.

                                                        3. THE LOCAL ADVERTISING PARTNERS
           Someone                            Some amazing local partners, many of whom have been with us since day one.                             Lupine The Dragon of Castle Rock
           said, “Work at                                                                                                                                  IMPOWER Board 2023
                                                             4. THE COMMUNITY EVENTS
           something you love,          From our annual yard sales, movie night under the stars, restaurant and winery reviews, to
           and then you really                                  exclusive days at the Zoo.
           won’t ‘work’ a day                                                                                                                                                                                    Friends Gather for Salinas High School’s Prom
           in your life.” Well,                      5. THE MANY, MANY FRIENDS WE HAVE MADE
                                                       You know who you are, just too many to list here.
           they were partly
           right. Brad and I do                           6. OUR RESIDENT CONTRIBUTORS
           love this business,          We have so many talented and creative writers who have volunteered their time and talents                                        Lilly Despard’s Pet Photo Contest Entry
                                                              each month to tell your stories.
           but it does take a
           lot of (thankfully)                                 7. OUR JUNIOR WRITERS
           rewarding work by                From 8 to 18 years old, our junior writers have given a fun perspective to all of us!
           a lot of people. So,                               8. OUR PHOTOGRAPHERS
           this month, let’s              From our early photographers, Manuel, Carlos, Kathleen, Tee and Letty to our current
           celebrate together          talented, Gary Dangerfield; you do amazing work to make the magazine beautiful each month!
           and take a look                    9. BECOMING PART OF SO MANY LOCAL EVENTS AND GROUPS
           back at some of our         Our community has taught us so much about local history, love of agriculture, generosity, and
           favorite memories,                              the strength of many different cultures.
                                                                                                                                                 Wayne Lavengood giving
           photos and more!                 10. BECOMING A FABRIC THAT KNITS OUR COMMUNITY TOGETHER                                             accordion concerts on his
                                               The joy of hearing a resident refer to themselves as a Looper is priceless!                      lawn during the pandemic

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