Page 21 - Greet Hwy 68 Loop 07.24
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 from our favorite people   6        7                   8                   9                   10

               a better place to live and   Loop has been a solution   lending a helping hand to a   hysterically, kids crying,
               work, better ways to support   that lessened that stress   neighbor in need. we are very   kids peeing in frame, adults
               our health and well-being,   for Monterey Zoo. Their   pleased to be associated    giving me the “really” look,
               and a brighter future for this   publication truly reaches the   with this unique and well-  kids just running out of the
               richly diverse area we are   local community in a fashion   loved communication!”  picture just because. In all of
               fortunate to call home.”  that defines “community”,                         this madness, I get to witness
                                         making us proud to be    8. Norm Yop, Agency One   families showing their love
               5. Eden Burnett, our      part of it. More than that,   Real Estate - “I’ve done a   to one another in a way no
               Junior Writer emeritus - “   they go over and above,   lot of advertising over my   one else could witness. I
               As a former junior writer   sharing our social media   52 years in real estate, and   feel privileged to be allowed
               for Greet Highway 68 Loop,   posts and helping our zoo   I’m very happy with Greet’s   to be part of their lives and
 4             it’s fun to look back on how   to coordinate events that   professionalism and the   show the world who they are
               the magazine has evolved   benefit both the community   response I receive from the   through the magazine.”
 1  3          and think about how my    and the zoo. We can’t thank   magazine. Brad and Laurie
 2  5          growth as a writer (and as   Brad and Laurie enough   provide a great service to   10. C. Michael Hogan, PhD,
               a person) was documented   for all they do for the   our community.”        contributor and Board
               alongside it. I am so thankful   community and the animals                  Chair, California Arts &
 1. Jane Day, resident “Greet   someone who lets me know   68 Loop Magazine because I   schools, photography, and   for the support I received   at Monterey Zoo.”  9. Gary Dangerfield, Gary   Science Institute, Bay
 cheerleader” - “Greet is   how much they enjoy my   believe in their mission. We   travel - in a word, something   for my contributions, and it   Dangerfield Photography-   Ridge - “Greet Highway
 fabulous! It’s so important   Delicious & Simple page. I   develop and maintain a sense   for everyone. I definitely look   was an honor to be a part of   7. Roseann Cardinale-  “Partnering with Greet   68 Loop offers refreshing
 to me that I can hardly wait   am humbled and so grateful.  of community when we learn   forward to the next ten years.”  such a valuable publication   Orlebeck, Cardinale Moving   Magazine has been a   and informative insights to
 until it arrives each month.   Contributing has also   and know something about   that brings our community   & Storage - “Congratulations   heartwarming experience.   the broad community along
 When it first started 10 years   inspired me in so many   each other. This is content   4. Claudia Pizarro-  together and serves as a   to Greet Hwy 68 Loop on their   Being able to meet or   Highway 68 and beyond.
 ago, I was new to the area, so   different ways, it’s helped me   that is about good things, not   Villalobos, Director,   record of our events and   10th anniversary! Cardinale   reconnect with the families   Coverage of events, culinary
 it taught me a lot about the   struggle through fears that   the ubiquitous sensationalism.   Marketing and   achievements. Now that I no   Moving & Storage is proud to   in our community is what   fun, and inspirational stories
 people and our community.   I have with writing and the   It helps us maintain a sense   Communications, Salinas   longer live in the area full-  have enjoyed a partnership   Greet is all about. My role   bring us to a peaceful and
 Now it’s a monthly bit of   dreaded computer.   of what is right with us and   Valley Health - “Salinas   time, catching up on editions   with this wonderful, local   as the cover photographer is   relaxing state of mind that
 sunshine to this old gal!”  I love how the magazine   a sense of community. I am   Valley Health is proud to have   celebrating the wonderful   publication since the very   the best! I get to meet great   is a special space, in the
 has brought our community   blessed to have an ability to   partnered with Greet HWY   residents of our area makes   beginning. I personally look   people, hear their stories   present days of otherwise
 2. Heidi Licata, our first   together, and through the   write, so I am happy to share   68 Loop Magazine since its   me proud to have been born   forward to receiving my copy   and capture their family in   societal division. Laurie and
 resident contributor   amazing events hosted by   that. I am also pleased to be   founding in 2014. For seven-  and raised in the Loop.”  each and every month. From   order to show to everyone   Brad are showing all of us
 with Delicious & Simple   Greet Hwy 68 Loop Magazine   a part of the sense of service   plus decades our healthcare   a family business perspective,   the essence of who they are.   ways of coming together as a
 - “Wow, It’s the 10th year   which have helped me,   to others that undergirds the   system has provided quality   6. Charlie Sammut,   this magazine covers all the   These sessions have been   community and celebrating
 anniversary for Greet   and others meet so many   magazine. I believe that it   healthcare, delivered locally,   Monterey Zoo -   bases that we look to instill in   fun, hilarious, educational,   the joyful and inspirational
 Hwy 68 Loop Magazine!   neighbors, it’s wonderful!   is through service to others   to everyone we serve. This   “Advertising any business   our company team members   messy, heartwarming, and   aspects of the richness
 I have been honored to   Thank you to my/our Loop   that we can become our best   legacy of leadership in the   is typically confusing and   - a sense of community,   unpredictable. We have had   of our Monterey County
 contribute each month since   friends and community!  selves. I like it that there   Salinas Valley is a natural   stressful, especially for a   appreciating where you live   to reschedule shoots due to   wonderland. The content of
 the beginning, when it all   is something in here for   fit with a publication that   business that solicits the   and work, plus learning and   weather, people being called   Greet is a delicious mixture of
 started. I get so much joy   3. Doug Brown, our Rotary   everyone - young, elderly,   is all about strengthening   support of both locals and   caring for those in our area   away, we have had full-on   entertainment, a salute to our
 with sharing my recipes. I   contributor - “I enjoy   families and singles. There   our community. When we   tourists. Laurie, Brad and   whether that means providing   dogs play fighting into the   heroes, and practical advice in
 love it when I’m stopped by   contributing to the Greet Hwy   are things about pets, food,   build connections, we build   their team at Greet Hwy 68   a service such as ours or just   picture, people laughing   finding needed services.”

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